healthy living, Product Reviews

#GotitFree Review: #Instanatural EyeLash Enhancing Serum

eyelashI’m going to be brief about this one, jury is still out. I got this 5 days ago, shipment was delayed and so I only had 5 days to review. Don’t really know if it works or not. I will keep using and update, I really like this company’s other products. I will tell you it did not hurt my eyes or sting or have any fumey kind of stuff, which is super important to me.

Eyelash Enhancing Serum

healthy living, Product Reviews

#GotitFreetoReview: #Instanatural Glycolic Peel

If you’re of a certain age, you become aware of your skin and what it used to be. This is why the cosmetics industry can constantly suck money from you. They promise things that don’t always deliver. But there is one product that usually helps the appearance of skin. Aging skin doesn’t slough off like it used to. Fact. And that is why peels have become very popular.

glycolicpeelThis product from Instanatural is a glycolic peel, more natural than other chemical products. This experience was pretty unexciting. I have had a peel go on that I immediately felt. This was a little tingly at most and I washed it off at the recommended one minute mark. I will keep it on a little longer next time.

At 19.97, this is a pretty good bargain. You can get it here: